Monday, July 25, 2011

Your donations :)

I am so grateful and awed at the generosity of the donations you have made. I cannot thank you enough. Please know that your donation is making a difference in people's lives and together we can make change happen. I want to let you know that Kenya is facing it's worst drought in 60 years. Combine that with the rising price of fuel around the world, and you get a huge food crisis in Kenya. In the last couple of months food cost have more than tripled. In addition to these problems, donors, who once sponsored a child, have stopped due to an economic recession. Now, it is up to Maji Mazuri, who will not turn the child away, to find a way to cover the child's basic needs. All in all Maji Mazuri is struggling to make ends meet. I encourage all of you to consider a donation of even just $10 to help this amazing organization that I now call home. You can donate by going to the website at, or by writing a check to Maji Mazuri USA and send the check to Kevin Corcoran President, Maji Mazuri USA Inc. 4783 Summerset Lane Atlanta Georgia 30338. %100 of your donation goes directly to the organization and as I have been here on the ground, I can tell you if you want to help an organization, it's this one! Maji Mazuri is the most incredible project I have ever been involved with and I have yet to see a Nonprofit, that is as dedicated as this one. Again to those of you who have donated, I thank you and can't tell you how thankful I am to see us all working together to better the lives of others.

P.S. My kids at the special needs center makes necklaces and bracelets. If anyone would like one, they are $5 and I would be HAPPY to bring one home for you! Just let me know!

with a little piece of my heart,



  1. Hi Julia, Can you please bring me home 10 pieces of jewlwery that the children have made? I'll give your mom a check for $50.00. love & miss you!!!

  2. Hi Honey...5 bracelets please! Come on home so that we can make plans to go back TOGETHER!
