Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have been so unbelievably busy that I have not posted in a couple days! Pole sana (very sorry)! Anyways I am trying to get things written up and sorted out so that I can do workshops with the teachers! I have had so many meetings and ideas just keep spilling out of my head!  These workshops are for the special ed teachers and general ed teachers in the slum. The wheelchairs will be here shortly, and more material will be bought because I have extra from your donations! Feeling a bit overwhelmed, only because I want to make sure everything I want to do is done before I leave, but its a good overwhelming feeling. A feeling I know means (hopefully) I am doing good work here. Well thats my update. I know I can't save the world, but I can try and I ask you to try too :)!

with a little piece of my heart,



  1. Well, Julia, while you were so "unbelievably busy," you didn't notice that you have, indeed, saved the world.

    The Talmud tells us that saving the life of a single person is equivalent to saving the world.

    It goes without saying that one or more of the children you teach would not have survived the continued abuse they suffered.

    With the intervention of rescue efforts by the Maji Mazuri team, they have, indeed, survived.

    Everyone on that team, (including you), has had an impact -- not only in helping the children stay alive, but also, through education, enabling them to develop the life skills needed in order to sustain themselves.

    If that's not saving a life, I don't know what is.

    Not to worry, please. Time will adjust to accommodate you in finishing the things you need to do before you leave. Take deep breaths. Make a list -- especially write down the ideas that "keep spilling out of your head." Calendar your tasks to make sure you don't try to do everything all at once. It will feel so great as you check the tasks off, one by one, and staying organized and focused may also keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Love you.

  2. Hi Baby,
    Don't worry I know you and you will get it all done! Love and miss you lot's

  3. Hi Julia, Can't wait for you to come home. I had a dream last night that you came home early...and your mom didn't even know it! You will come home when your meant to come. As you alreay know...a little piece of your heart will remain in Africa. love ya!!!

  4. You'll get it all sorted out with time to spare...I have faith in you. Miss you so much and can't wait until you come home and tell us all about your adventures in detail.
