Sunday, July 3, 2011

Recovering (both physically and mentally)

Still recovering, but soooooo much better I am so happy and thankful for my health! This week 10 UK students are coming and 4 men will be staying in the same house as us girls (and trust me its not that big of a house) OY VEY! I am also looking forward to having a wheelchair technologist come out to the school to measure the kids and custom make wheelchairs for their needs. This is all possible by your donations!

Never take for granted what you have and the people around you. Your life is beautiful, and never should you settle for something that is comfortable. Get out of your comfort zone experience other cultures, religions, and other things that make you uncomfortable. Only then can you truly appreciate your own beliefs. Without this knowledge your beliefs can be less valuable, if not ignorant. Below is something Wandia wrote (Wanjiku's daughter and a good friend of mine) that I loved and wanted to share.

Lying in bed this morning, asked myself: What are the secrets of success in life? I found the answer right there in my room. The AC said - Be cool. The roof said - Aim high. The window said - See the world. The clock said - Every minute is precious. The mirror said - Reflect before you act. The calendar said - Be up to date. The door said - Push hard for your goals. Don't forget, the carpet said - Kneel down & pray.

with a little piece of my heart,


Missing these faces WAY to much, whether I am strong enough or not I will be back to work by Wednesday!


  1. What an absolutely beautiful sentiment. Thanks so much for sharing it. Your friend is wise beyond her years.

    Julia, your photography is fabulous!

    Love and miss you. Continue to heal and get stronger.

  2. Still AMAZING...take care of yourself!! Miss you sooooo much. love you!!

  3. Hi Baby,
    Thank goodness you are feeling better. Now you are really famous, you made the Or Ami Illuminating News. You were the picture of the week (the picture didn't come through) with the follwing Caption:


    Julia Fingleson, daughter of Or Ami founders, Linda and Rodney Fingleson and sister to Eric, is currently in Kenya volunteering at The Children's Center of an organization called Maji Mazuri. (means 'good water' in Swahili). She is working with orphans with special needs who have been abandoned and abused because of their disabilities. Juila is also showing the teachers at the Children's Center new and different ways to work with children who have special needs so that the children can become more self sufficient and learn life skills.

    The difference one person can make in the lives of others is really extraordinary. We are so proud of the work you are doing, Julia! To follow Julia's moving experiences, read her blog "A Little Piece of My Heart". To learn more about Maji Mazuri, visit their website.

  4. Wandia and you are wise beyond your years. Alternative perspectives and moving out of one's "comfort zone" takes strength, wisdom and vulnerability. It means acknowledging the possibility that previously-formed viewpoints and belief systems may prove to be wrong. The decision to open up one's mind to new viewpoints is honorable, courageous, and frees one's spirit to soar.

    People have asked me why I use quotes so often. Very simple. When others inspire me, I like to pass it on. In this case, I give you the lyrics from a song written by the renowned lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II. In a few words, he puts prejudice in a nutshell and implies why it is so difficult for people to lift the veil that has shielded the
    truth from so many eyes, ears, and minds:

    You've got to be taught
    To hate and fear,

    You've got to be taught
    From year to year,

    It's got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear

    You've got to be carefully taught.

    You've got to be taught to be afraid

    Of people whose eyes are oddly made,

    And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,

    You've got to be carefully taught.

    You've got to be taught before it's too late!

    Before you are six or seven or eight,

    To hate all the people your relatives hate,

    You've got to be carefully taught,

    You've got to be carefully taught!
