Saturday, July 30, 2011

necklaces and bracelets!

SO happy and excited making necklaces for all of you beautiful people!

Working hard!

Please let me know if you would like to support this school by purchasing a necklace or bracelet!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today I did another workshop with one other volunteer and it went so well! The teachers really seemed to learn and enjoy it, and a lot of them even came up to me afterwards to say thank you! The workshop, like the other ones, focused on how to engage students in learning, classroom management, and ways to discipline WITHOUT "the cane." Teachers were open and interested in learning new tips to teaching! Wonderful day! :)

with a little piece of my heart,


Monday, July 25, 2011

Your donations :)

I am so grateful and awed at the generosity of the donations you have made. I cannot thank you enough. Please know that your donation is making a difference in people's lives and together we can make change happen. I want to let you know that Kenya is facing it's worst drought in 60 years. Combine that with the rising price of fuel around the world, and you get a huge food crisis in Kenya. In the last couple of months food cost have more than tripled. In addition to these problems, donors, who once sponsored a child, have stopped due to an economic recession. Now, it is up to Maji Mazuri, who will not turn the child away, to find a way to cover the child's basic needs. All in all Maji Mazuri is struggling to make ends meet. I encourage all of you to consider a donation of even just $10 to help this amazing organization that I now call home. You can donate by going to the website at, or by writing a check to Maji Mazuri USA and send the check to Kevin Corcoran President, Maji Mazuri USA Inc. 4783 Summerset Lane Atlanta Georgia 30338. %100 of your donation goes directly to the organization and as I have been here on the ground, I can tell you if you want to help an organization, it's this one! Maji Mazuri is the most incredible project I have ever been involved with and I have yet to see a Nonprofit, that is as dedicated as this one. Again to those of you who have donated, I thank you and can't tell you how thankful I am to see us all working together to better the lives of others.

P.S. My kids at the special needs center makes necklaces and bracelets. If anyone would like one, they are $5 and I would be HAPPY to bring one home for you! Just let me know!

with a little piece of my heart,


Saturday, July 23, 2011

the rains coming

Kenya knows I am leaving soon, and thus like my heart, it is crying. It is pouring here now, and hope it clear by tomorrow morning, so I can enjoy a Sunday in Nairobi flea markets. I am also going to the youth group tomorrow in the Mathare Slum to talk about what life is like in America. Can't wait to hear some of their questions. Praying and hoping and dreaming the wheelchairs will be done before I leave, so I can be there when they are delivered, especially for my boy William. I gave another workshop this week to the special need teachers on how to teach life and occupational skills. Last week, I did a workshop with the general ed teachers who work on the slum of how to create a loving a safe community within the classroom, and how to make learning fun. I did this workshop with two other volunteers and the outcome was just amazing! Today, I went back to happy life and saw the babies again! Love holding and feeding the babies, although it broke my heart when I was given a 3 week old to feed and they handed me a cup and spoon to feed him. no bottle :( But anyways still loving life in Kenya and am so thankful for the time I have here. Enjoy some pictures!

with a little piece of my heart,


Monday, July 18, 2011

what Kenya has taught me

Realizing I only have 2 and a half more weeks in Kenya is getting to me. Do you know what it feels like to wake up everyday happy, excited, and having a sense of purpose? I do. Kenya taught that to me. Love a simple life, and don't worry about the petty things. Live your life and realize how beautiful it is. I have learned so much about myself and the world being here and everyday I continue to grow, I never want to stop learning. I'm rambling now, but I don't know how I am going to leave. Yes, I miss all of you my family and friends and if not for you, I wouldn't come back! But I dare you to step outside your comfort zone if even just for a minute. Ride the city bus, go down to Venice where the homeless live and talk to them, hear their story, visit an orphanage or a homeless shelter, go to a mosque and listen to their prayers, donate your time,  not your money.  GET OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE. This is the only way to not be ignorant, naive, and to open your eyes to a world much bigger than you are. You will learn more about yourself in one day than you have your whole life. Now, I know most of you do this but encourage your friends and family to do the same. As I have said before, life is simply beautiful. A close friend of mine here said to me, " I may not live long, but I want the time I have here to be a series of fireworks. Each period of my life more explosive than then the previous one." I've adopted this philosophy and I'm ready to live an explosive life :)

with a little piece of my heart,


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Life

Today I took time visit a local orphanage called Happy Life. An amazing organization who has 53 abandoned children all under the age of 7 the youngest being 2 weeks old. These children were found at bus stops, trash bins, in front of hospitals, handed to a passerby and then abandoned. Such beautiful souls, and they warmed my heart. I'll spend more time with them next weekend, I loved holding the babies!!!! Still very busy giving workshops and meeting with teachers both special ed teachers and general ed teachers and loving every minute of it. I have the wheelchair technologist coming on Monday for more custom made wheelchairs and I am so excited!! Loving living life through an awakened
mind.  It's like I've been sleeping before Kenya shook me awake, and for that, I thank you Kenya.

with a little piece of my heart,


Holding a 2 week year old baby boy. They received 3 days ago and named him Richard today.

potty training!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have been so unbelievably busy that I have not posted in a couple days! Pole sana (very sorry)! Anyways I am trying to get things written up and sorted out so that I can do workshops with the teachers! I have had so many meetings and ideas just keep spilling out of my head!  These workshops are for the special ed teachers and general ed teachers in the slum. The wheelchairs will be here shortly, and more material will be bought because I have extra from your donations! Feeling a bit overwhelmed, only because I want to make sure everything I want to do is done before I leave, but its a good overwhelming feeling. A feeling I know means (hopefully) I am doing good work here. Well thats my update. I know I can't save the world, but I can try and I ask you to try too :)!

with a little piece of my heart,


Sunday, July 10, 2011

clean up clean up everybody everywhere!

Today, with 15 mzungu's (white people) and the Maji Mazuri Youth,  we did a garbage clean up in the Mathare Valley slum. So much hard work and all our efforts combined, trying to make their community better. The youth are the future of Kenya, and with a group of people like the ones in Maji Mazuri, Kenya's looking like it will take over the world! Looking forward to the coming week when the wheelchairs will be delivered, but realizing I only have three and a half weeks left :( I know won't be able to stay away for long though, as Kenya has captured my heart. Have a beautiful day!

with a little piece of my heart,


I LOVE my Hunter boots :)

JingJing and me working hard to clean the sewage system!


the team (minus me because I am taking the picture hahah)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

oh happy day!

So happy in fact I was overcome with emotion. With the help of your donations  I was able to buy six wheelchairs that are custom made to fit the needs of the children, an adapted toilet, custom made Polio shoes, and an adapted walking cane.  Today, was really touching. I cried hard at one point knowing that this was all possible by OUR joint effort. I thank everyone who has donated from the bottom of my heart. If you would like to donate, please send a check or cash made out to me and send it to 4256 Vicasa Drive Calabasas, CA 91302. I can assure you 100% of your donation goes directly towards the children. If you would like to donate to the greater cause of Maji Mazuri, which helps sustain ALL the projects,  please visit their website at When I see how involved people are getting, it truly makes me feel like WE can change the world for the better. ASANTE SANA (THANK YOU)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Please note that checks are only tax deductible if the donation is given through the Maji Mazuri website.)

with a little piece of my heart,


Jackson will be able to be independent with his custom new wheelchair!

A very happy William being measured for his very first wheelchair (custom for his needs none-the-less)!

Simon will finally have a wheelchair that supports is back so it wont curve his spine anymore!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

African henna :)

This is what happens when you live in Kenya and you pretty much have NO idea what bit you :/
grrrrrrrr Kenya, why do you hate my body?!?!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

reunited and it feels so good!

After being away for a week, I went back to work today. Gosh how I missed the kids! I know teachers are not supposed to have favorites and I truly don't, BUT William has stolen my heart. I don't know whether it's his smile that reminds me happiness is not far from your soul, or whether it's his determination and willingness to learn despite his multiple disabilities, or it might be the fact that at 8 years old he's ready to conquer the world and I believe he can. "My son," is a shining light put here on earth, I can only hope someday my children will have half the courage he has. As much as I have taught him, he has taught me. Soon, with your donations, William will get the wheelchair he deserves and that brings a smile to my heart and a couple tears in my eyes. Don't worry ALL the children, who have also amazed me with their stories and perseverance, will benefit from your donations and they all do have place and in my heart! I've said it before but I'll say it again, life is beautiful.

with a little piece of my heart,


William and I

My boy will soon have a wheelchair! 

The little ones

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Recovering (both physically and mentally)

Still recovering, but soooooo much better I am so happy and thankful for my health! This week 10 UK students are coming and 4 men will be staying in the same house as us girls (and trust me its not that big of a house) OY VEY! I am also looking forward to having a wheelchair technologist come out to the school to measure the kids and custom make wheelchairs for their needs. This is all possible by your donations!

Never take for granted what you have and the people around you. Your life is beautiful, and never should you settle for something that is comfortable. Get out of your comfort zone experience other cultures, religions, and other things that make you uncomfortable. Only then can you truly appreciate your own beliefs. Without this knowledge your beliefs can be less valuable, if not ignorant. Below is something Wandia wrote (Wanjiku's daughter and a good friend of mine) that I loved and wanted to share.

Lying in bed this morning, asked myself: What are the secrets of success in life? I found the answer right there in my room. The AC said - Be cool. The roof said - Aim high. The window said - See the world. The clock said - Every minute is precious. The mirror said - Reflect before you act. The calendar said - Be up to date. The door said - Push hard for your goals. Don't forget, the carpet said - Kneel down & pray.

with a little piece of my heart,


Missing these faces WAY to much, whether I am strong enough or not I will be back to work by Wednesday!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Now that I am out of the hospital!!!! I can post more pictures now. I had a bacteria in my blood and was very dehydrated The Nairobi Hospital was wonderful but being admitted in a foreign country knowing your so far from home is the worst. A BIG thanks to my mom who stayed up with me even when it was 3 am for her and to my Kenya Maji Mazuri family who visited me and made sure everything was okay, especially Wambui (my Kenyan mother) who wouldn't leave my side. On a brighter note here are some more pictures of the beautiful Kenya in Massi Mara.

with a little piece of my heart,


Good Morning Kenya!

The Mara River where the great migration takes place

This photo was actually taken on foot while walking with a ranger!

Lazy boy

Hide-and-seek I found you!

The border between Kenya and Tanzania 

Typical Massi dressed man and me!