Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday FUN Day

Good times today! Went to the Giraffe Center which was amazing! Hiked in an African jungle, and visited a tribal center! It's been raining here on and off but when it rains it pours! It turns EVERYTHING to mud. I am blessed to be under a roof here, but my heart goes out to the people of Kenya who are not as fortunate. I had an amazing weekend and I am truly falling in love with Kenya.

with a little piece of my heart,



  1. I want to kiss one too!!!! Stay dry, and mud free. lisa

  2. Whoa! Free mud baths -- and with no extra spa fees even!

    Kidding aside, so many of us that are fortunate enough to have roofs over our heads do not think enough about the gazillions of people that do not. I hope that, with your continued inspiration, we will all realize the importance of focusing and acting upon the issues of starvation and homelessness -- and contribute, in whatever way we can, to those fundamental human causes.

  3. I love these pictures!! Looks like you are having an amazing time!

    ~~Alex Ross
