Monday, June 20, 2011

just another update

Hello, hello. Today, due to a combination of another cold and the cold rainy weather, I decided to stay home. Which is good because I get to work on my resource portfolio for the teachers. My goal is to create a folder that includes things like: information on specific disabilities and teaching strategies that meet individual needs, an overview of teaching kids with special needs, strategies that can be used to incorporate life and occupational skills into the curriculum,  and sign language worksheets that give the basics. That's my goal, now lets see if I can meet it! Last Friday we took the kids on a field trip to a famous park in Nairobi. With a budget less than $100, the kids got to ride boats, eat lunch, have ice cream, get their faces painted, got ballon hats, and it also included transportation. DID YOU HEAR ME LESS THAN 100 DOLLARS. This was a VERY special day for them, and in the pictures below you can see it in their eyes how much it meant to them. So now I turn to you, I want more than anything to give these children what the deserve. I want to buy school supplies, soccer balls, and things that make a kid a kid. The children that are severely disabled spend most of their time in a padded chair. Thats it thats all they do is sit! I want to have the resources to stimulate their senses, and buy educational toys like puzzles and blocks for them. PLEASE help me help them. I have 34 followers if every person gave $10 thats $340, do you know how much I could buy with that?! If you can afford it and want to help please write a check to me and send it to 4256 Vicasa Drive Calabasas, CA 91302. I promise you %100 of the donation will go towards the kids.  If you would like to donate to the greater cause of Maji Mazuri which helps sustain ALL the programs please visit Thank you for the continued support, I love each and everyone one of you!

with a little piece of my heart,



  1. Hi Julia,
    Alway amazing stuff you write. Count me in for $50.00. Keep up the wonderful things you are doing. Love Lisa

  2. Hi Sweetheart,
    Oh my g-d they look so happy! So do you! Count us in for $250.00. Did you post your request on facebook? You may get a great response from your friends. You sounded a little better this morning, so hope you are finally on the mend! Love you lot's, Mom

  3. Julia.
    You look so happy. You are doing so many wonderful hings. Those kids look like sunshine in the sky. We want to buy a kickass field trip! Can't wait to hear how it goes.
    Love the Gottlich Famly

  4. There was a beautiful young lady that once wrote a few poignant words on the subject of giving to others:

    "No one has ever become poor because of giving. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world!"

    - Anne Frank

  5. Dear Heather and Russ you are AMAZING people. you have already given so much I cant tell you how much it means to me!!! These kids deserve the world and its YOU who are giving it to them!!!! THANK YOU


  6. You and their smiles just made my day. Taking life for granted is one thing, but when you realize it doesn't take much to make life that much better for others less fortunate is unreal...your doing it! You're making a difference Jules, THANK YOU, Love it! I will definitely help anyway I can, will send a check tomorrow. Can I ship a few basketballs or soccer balls things like that out too? Anything I can do 2 help the kids, just let me know and it'll be done.
