Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Today, was emotionally, the hardest day I've had in Kenya. For the first time, I saw footage of the post-election violence in 2007. These pictures and videos were captured by  some of my friends here and I can't describe in words how disturbing the images were. At one point I became very dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out. I wanted to see the pictures, I wanted to know what they went through and why it is so important for them to spread the message of peace. I needed to see those pictures, but as my hand covered my mouth and I fought back tears, I couldn't believe the friends I've made  here witnessed it in person. As I looked at the pictures, I realized that I walk those same streets that were covered in blood. This was 4 years ago. The most shocking thing is next year is an election year. When I asked if this will happen again I was told the politicians don't do anything to prevent it and behind closed doors it is them who are telling the people to kill each other. But, in a community who has witnessed the most inhumane treatment of human beings, it is the people from within who are choosing to do something about it. They are choosing to spread the message of peace. I am in awe of the people I have met thus far in my journey, and feel more than blessed that my path has crossed theirs. I promise you they are some of the most unselfish people I have ever met and they dedicate their lives to making other lives better. HOPE lies within Kenya, and I see it everyday.

with a little piece of my heart,



  1. Julia - I cant believe this... We are so lucky. We are free and free to make our own choices. Not everyone can say the same. You are amazing and hopfully one day we will see peace on the streets of Kenya XOXO

  2. Let me clear this up there IS peace on the streets of Kenya its when something happens that triggers the violence you see such acts. I am NOT the amazing one! I am just here learning from other amazing people!

  3. Keep learning Julia, becasue you are teaching all of us!!!! miss you, love you

  4. Julia - It has been very difficult for me to post since reading this entry. I have devoted some time today to research Kenyan history as well as the violence after the last election.

    From the videos I saw and news reports that I read, it seems entirely plausible that the Kenyan government could be inciting these riots. Now, whether or not that is the case, there appears to be little, if any action, on the part of the legislative or judicial powers that be, to provide any kind of intervention or protection from the unimaginable atrocities, cruelties, and murders of innocent men, women, and children.

    How many more times, and in how many other parts of the world, must we bear witness to such horror? And the nauseating, gut-wrenching irony of it all is that, when the rioting ends, and the last bloodstained street has been washed clean, exactly NOTHING whatsoever will have been accomplished -- except violence for the sake of violence.

    Our cousin, Judy, once sent me a "Haiku" written by the renown Japanese poet, Matsuo Basho. She said that it sits in a prominent place on her desk. I have been thinking about it all day:

    The summer's grass
    Tis all that's left
    Of ancient warriors' dreams

  5. that brought a tear to my eye. Obama has my vote.
