Sunday, August 7, 2011

california in a new light

Leaving Kenya was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through. I was crying so hard I couldn't catch my breath. The taxi driver at one point said "okay. calm down." hahaha. So after about 30 hours of flying, I made it to my California home, where I was greeted by my whole family :) I'll tell you it was nice getting into a car and not a matatu! But everything is different now, although nothings really changed except for me. America is so beautiful and its not hard to get back into the swing of things when you live in luxury. We take so much for granted, including streets with no pot-holes, trash cans on the side of the streets, walking out in the night and not fearing for your life, and just about everything in between. Life is easy here and although I know we all face struggles and sometimes downright tragedies, we are the lucky ones, we are the select few that do not live on less than a dollar a day, and at the end of it all we are Americans. Just because my time in Kenya has come to an end, it does not mean my work is done. The hardest part for me is that no matter how many stories I share or how many pictures I show, you can not see what I saw, thus the urge and hunger to help may not be as passionate as mine, but I promise you the world need us. It needs people who care and want to make a difference and if we all come together we can change it for the better. But please I beg of you do not turn a blind eye, to do nothing and know it exists is unacceptable and inhumane. It is our duty as human beings to lend a helping hand. Please visit the website to find out ways on how to help. Also feel free to email me at with questions, comments, or anything else! Thank you again for sharing my journey with me and continue to check in for updates on Maji Mazuri and what I am doing here to help!

with a little piece of my heart,


Wheelchairs all thanks to YOUR donations! VERY happy children :)


  1. Julia... I heart you, I love you and digg you from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for the inspiration, your courage, insight, and the way you told the story... I followed you every day. You are truly an incredible woman!:)
