Monday, May 30, 2011

Work Time!

Started work today!!! After an hour ride in the Ma-ta-tu listening to Michael Jackson and Boyz 2 Men "I'll Make Love to You," I arrived at the Children's Center of  Maji Mazuri! I was so happy to be back. Today we practiced letters, numbers, and colors! After 40 times of reminding the kids of my name I was still "Mazungo! Teacher Mazungo!" (White Person!) We had fun finger painting also! They wore me out, I cant keep my eyes open! Lala Salama! (Goodnight!)

with a little piece of my heart,



  1. How incredibly inspiring. Someone asked me just what you are doing. Can you give us a 3 sentence description?

    Also, once I have that, can we mention the blog in our eNewsletter?

  2. YOU GO GIRL!!! love you lots, lisa

  3. Habari gam? I'm learning Swahili too!

  4. Rabbi- I am volunteering for an organization in Kenya called Maji Mazuri. (Means good water in Swahili). Maji Mazuri has several projects and inspires people to bring about change in their own lives. The project i am focusing my attention in is the Children's Center which takes in orphan kids with special needs who have been abandoned and abused because of their disability. SInce I have worked with special needs children at home and taught them I am here to offer guidance to the teachers and introduce them to new ways to teach kids with special need so that they can be self sufficient and learn life skills. Although from what I am seeing they dont need my help!! HA they are doing amazing things! Also part of my personal goal here is to create awareness and be and advocate for kids with disabilities since it is looked at as taboo, a curse, or a sin. Thats more than 3 sentences haha but take what you want from it!! I would LOVE for you to put it in you newsletter!! I want lots of people to know so that these kids can get what they deserve!!! Also When you have time check out it has all their information on it!!!

    Karen- hahah Hello whats new?? Swahili is fun to learn especially with kids because they just start laughing when you say it wrong! So they are helping me!!

    Love you Lisa and thatnk you all for following!!!! it means so much that I can share my time with you!

  5. I love reading your blog everyday during school!! The pictures are adorable of the kids! Even if your blog isn't updated I just looking at the kids!! It makes my day to see how happy they are! Keep posting:)

  6. indeed a piece of your heart it is. 2Thumbs high.

  7. My internet Swahili teacher said that good night is habari zi jioni. Are there different dialects?

  8. Karen- I dont know if their are different dialects Ive never heard that used. If you are using a translator they often translate very literally and not how the natives speak

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