Monday, May 23, 2011

a new home

After 26 hours of flying, 2 planes , 3 trains, and an hour car ride I am at the Maji Mazuri house. WOW! I'm in a daze. Their giving me about two hours to rest and then I'm off on another two hour car ride to get to another project. I'm overwhelmed. Can't type much have to get settled! I'll Write again later :)                                                                                    

with a little piece of my heart,


This is my new bed.

.... and this is home sweet home!

my top of the line shower

 my bed at night


  1. Yes, home is where the heart is. Great pics. Looks just like one of the apartments I grew up in. So glad you made it through a rough flight schedule and are, at long last, (whew!) settling in.

    ... And the dream begins
    ... Sending love your way. >^..^<

  2. I love this building! Reminds me of our attic! The bed looks soo comfy (thats the most important part!!)

  3. Julia! Congrats love! The house looks nice! I am so proud of you. Keep updating and posting pictures, its great to keep up with your journeys.


  4. Julia, it was sooooo great talking to you. I can't believe what computers can do now!!! So, so proud!!! love you!!! lisa

  5. What a great shower! At least u have hot water!!! Muahh! I love u!

  6. That net may keep the mosquitoes out, but what about the lions and tigers and bears? -- Oh my!
