Monday, May 30, 2011

Work Time!

Started work today!!! After an hour ride in the Ma-ta-tu listening to Michael Jackson and Boyz 2 Men "I'll Make Love to You," I arrived at the Children's Center of  Maji Mazuri! I was so happy to be back. Today we practiced letters, numbers, and colors! After 40 times of reminding the kids of my name I was still "Mazungo! Teacher Mazungo!" (White Person!) We had fun finger painting also! They wore me out, I cant keep my eyes open! Lala Salama! (Goodnight!)

with a little piece of my heart,


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Spent some time with the youth at Kiserian (another project of Maji Mazuri). Amazing girls! Lost of questions! Today got more familiar with Nairobi spent time in a local park, museum, ate lunch and practiced inappropriate Swahili!! Lots of fun! Looking forward to tomorrow- the opening day of the health clinic in Kiserian with performances by the students. I'm off to bed.

with a little piece of my heart,



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mathare Valley Slum

Wow. Poverty is an understatement. The Mathare Valley is the second largest slum in East Africa and is home to more than 500,000 people living in the worst conditions humanly possible.  I could not take my camera out while inside the slum for my own protection. I've never seen such a dire situation. Open sewers, trash overtakes walkways, the smells are like nothing you could imagine, dogs and cat roam with puppies everywhere. I spoke for a long time with a man who grew up there and has now (which is very rare) gotten out of it. He joined the youth program of Maji Mazuri when he was 12 years old and now works for them, reaching out to teens and youth. He told me when there is a riot you can not walk it is too easy to die, people kill without remorse, and he says you will walk and see a dead body every couple of steps. He also told me one of the communities biggest challenge is fire. A fire will break out from cooking and spread like a wildfire. The police are corrupt and violent towards the people. It is a vicious cycle. Maji Mazuri is doing such amazing things there, like their headstart program and teen and youth groups. I am so lucky to be working along side with some of the most unselfish people I've ever met. Below is a picture of Mathare from the top, again I could not take my camera out while inside.

with a little piece of my heart,


P.S. I'm trying to learn Swahili! Napapenda hapa!!! ( I love it here!!!)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

why i am here

Today I took the local bus ( the ma-ta-tu) to the Children's Center of Maji Mazuri. The Children's Center is where Maji Mazuri takes children in with special needs. I am overwhelmed with emotion. This center is like a little piece of hope, when hope was not an option for these kids. I was told several horrible stories about how the kids were treated prior to being brought to the center. One little girl was tied to a tree for her whole life until Maji Mazuri recused her. You can see the scars from where the rope kept her tight to the tree. I wish I could write more but my mind is elsewhere right now. I know why I'm here now.

with a little piece of my heart,


Monday, May 23, 2011

a new home

After 26 hours of flying, 2 planes , 3 trains, and an hour car ride I am at the Maji Mazuri house. WOW! I'm in a daze. Their giving me about two hours to rest and then I'm off on another two hour car ride to get to another project. I'm overwhelmed. Can't type much have to get settled! I'll Write again later :)                                                                                    

with a little piece of my heart,


This is my new bed.

.... and this is home sweet home!

my top of the line shower

 my bed at night

Monday, May 2, 2011

this will be my spot

hello all and thanks for following! this will be where i share my experiences while i embark on my journey of teaching in Kenya! i will share my thoughts, photos and videos.  i am very new at this blogging stuff so bear with me! if you have any suggestions  or comments please PLEASE share.

with a little piece of my heart,