Tuesday, May 8, 2012

   Its very hard for me to write this post knowing that in a week I will be leaving Kenya. Since the last time I was here, Kenya has put troops into Somalia which in turn has created attacks within Kenya. Sources say the attacks will continue but life in Kenya goes on. Out of fear for my safety, I have decided to cut my trip short this time. I am overcome with emotion and feel disappointed in myself that I can't stay longer but the fear has turned into anxiety and it is affecting what I can do here. I pray and hope there will be no more attacks in Kenya, but at this time I feel I can do more work for Maji Mazuri at home.
    I have seen all the projects and my love for Maji Mazuri has not changed nor will it ever. I've seen my kids and my son William and I know they are in amazing hands. I will do as much as I can durning the time I have left here but am still upset to cut this trip short. I love Africa. My home is within Africa. And I will continue to travel to Africa for the rest of my life. Thank you for all of your support I deeply appreciate it!

with a little piece of my heart,


One of the new kids that was brought to Maji Mazuri 

MC and ME!

My children!

My baby boy! He wouldn't let go of me!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. i wrote on carlie's account by mistake...see post below. auntie lisa

  2. How can you possible be upset with yourself?? Upset with the situation, yes, upset with the corrupt government, yes...but with yourself, NEVER!! I'm so impressed you got on a plane to go back in the first place!! You and your heart will always be a part of Africa, and your "children". Never forget all that you have done!! You have accomplished more in your short live, then some people have done in a lifetime. Please come home soon, and safely. You can continue to do your amazing work from here. And PLEASE be as careful as you have been. I know the curfews, and restrictions on your everyday life in Kenya has been very scary and difficult for you. May the heavens above protect you on your journey home!
