What a WONDERFUL day!! The youth, of the Maji Mazuri Mathare youth group, have been working hard to spread the message of peace throughout their community. Today, their project was brought to life through a football (soccer) tournament. Eight teams played for one cause, peace. The message was loud and clear and lots of people came out to support this project. The youth are amazing and I had so much fun with them today, but I am SO burned! The African sun will get you if you're not paying attention! Enjoy the pictures, video will follow later :)
with a little piece of my heart,
This little guy was just handed to me and of course I accepted, a few minutes of rocking and I had a sleeping baby :)
my "husband," who also told me we can make an Obama.

Victor and me, we LOVE Victor!!!
LOVE that you got to be a part of that. Glad you're feeling better :) Was so good to hear your voice the other day! vidchat/skype soon palease.
ReplyDeleteMiss you tons,
VINCZEEEEEEE is getting married still cant believe it!!!!!!!!!!! i love you and thank you for keeping up with me!!!! miss you
It's astounding that so much happiness, determination, and just plain old "fun" can prevail in the midst of such a bleak and discouraging environment.
ReplyDeleteJulia, your photos capture the endurance of the human spirit and its ability to overcome adversity. When the seeds of hope are planted, nurtured, and savored in the hearts and minds of those that would otherwise be "hope-less,"
miracles happen.
Julia you look so at home. What fun, and for a good cause too. Can't wait for your next post. You are still amazing me every day!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the video, looks like they are really tring to make changes. Love you, me